Tuesday, October 7, 2008


While I was away at school tonight, Mike was watching the kids. He cleaned up after dinner, got them into jammies, and then tucked them into bed. He was telling me about his night and said that Danissa came out of the room to tell him that Chezney had gotten out of her crib. This being a first for her, he was a little confused and then saw Chezney walking down the hall pointing at the bedroom, like she was tattling about something. Mike went into the bedroom only to find that she had removed a screw and swung the crib wall open like a door. What a little sneak!

1 comment:

Busybee07 said...

You guys definitely match the family circus cartoon-which i have always loved , by the way!!! You give me my dose of laughter I need each day!! Aunt Deb