Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Milk'n It

Cohen has had a severe diaper rash for days and it just keeps getting worse. Some days seem better than others, but they are all in the category of bad.
A gal told me today that she had a friend that emptied an entire gallon of milk into a her child's bath and her child's diaper rash was gone the next day.
So tonight, Cohen was in the tub and I decided to try it. I got a whole gallon of milk and dumped it into the bathtub water.
Do you know what milk looks like when it's being dumped into water?
It looks like a big white scary cloud coming toward least it did to Cohen. Picture a child screaming and shaking and trying to reach the farthest edge of the tub possible to avoid said cloud...then picture a cat trying to get out of the tub. Combine the two and you have Cohen. Not good at all....
I had to pin him in the tub and we'll see if that trama will cure the rash, or just regress his fear of water back to point A....


Karalee said...

Poor little guy. I hope it helps and that his rash goes away. If not, try Butt Paste. Has worked on every rash my kids have ever had. I love it!!

Family Circus 6 said...

That stuff doesn't work for my kids, but the milk seems to have helped. I think it would have done even better if he would have sat a little longer. But it seems almost cleared up. The only other thing that seems to help most of the time on my kids is vaseline.