Friday, March 19, 2010

Speech Meet

Danissa did SO GREAT at her speech meet today!!! I was so thrilled! For her, this is a huge that is painful to watch as a parent of a child that is so shy. For those of you that don't know what the speech meet is, the students at the school have to memorize a pre-approved scripture, poem, or fable to recite from memory. They are judged on different things like posture, voice, memory, animation, etc.
They recite their piece in front of their classmates, parents, and judges and then the top 3 students go on to compete against a school in Seattle.
Danissas poem is called:

The Little Whistler by Francis Frost
My mother whistled softly,
My father whistled bravely,
My brother whistled merrily
and I tried all day long.
I blew my breath inward,
I blew my breath outward,
but all you heard was breath blowing
and not a bit of song.
Then today I saw a bluebird
a happy young and new bird
whistling in the apple tree-
he'd just discovered how!
So quick I blew my breath in
And gay I blew my breath in
And gay I blew my breath out
And suddenly I blew three wild notes
and I can whistle now!

We're not allowed to take pictures or video during the recitations but I snapped this one right after she was done.

The judges scoring her...

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