Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dentistry and Heaven

All four kids had dentist appointments yesterday morning at 7:30 a.m. After a rushed morning- we pulled into the parking lot of the dentist office about 5 minutes till. After finding out that "every so often" they have to have all the paperwork renewed- I settled down with "new patient" paperwork on four children and got to work.
At this dentist office- all the kids are taken into different rooms at the same time- and seen by different hygienists (getting them all done and out of the way in one quick swoop!!) and then I child- hop with a dentist or two- listening to praise and concerns.
As I entered Cohens room- his hygienist was smiling at me. She then recounted how Cohen had told her that "when he is a grown up- he gets to go to Heaven. And so does she. And isn't that SO exciting? He is SO excited to go to Heaven."
Not only do I love that he talked to her about that- but that she loved to hear it =D


Grandma Stories said...

Very sweet...
You have an evangelist growing up in your house! Pastor Cohen! :)

Family Circus 6 said...

It's actually funny you say that because there have been several times I have thought that!!!