Monday, September 10, 2012

Causing Trouble Already

We have a way of causing trouble before we even realize that we've done it.  This was the case last week- and I was informed of it just this afternoon.
Last week, we (the twins and I) were at the elementary school enrolling them in their new Kindergarten class.  After turning in the necessary paperwork, we started off for home, which is only a few houses away.  Feeling somewhat playful, and taking advantage of the nice weather, we decided to race home.  Cohen was in the lead, followed by me and Chezney.
Apparently this doesn't look so good on the property of an elementary school- as I later discovered.  A passing parent thought it looked more like a double child abduction and called to report this to the school.  After a school lock down and roll call, they determined that no children were missing and realized that I had been the culprit. 
How's that to the start of a new school?!

1 comment:

Grandma Stories said...

This really is soooo funny! So sorry sweetie! :) I know it will all work out!