Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blessed by Ethan

My mom watched Ethan and Chezney yesterday while Danissa was in school and I was taking Cohen to get x-rays. When I came back, mom and I were chatting when Ethan walked over and sneezed right on her. She said "Ethan! Yuck! Do you know what you just did?" He said "Yeah...I blessed on you." Have you been blessed today?


Lynn said...

Why did Cohen have to get xrays? Is he sick again?

Family Circus 6 said...

He was "rattling" in his chest and he had his 18 month check up and shots and they just wanted to make sure it wasn't rattling in his lungs still. They wanted to make sure his pnemonia hadn't returned. He was never able to finish his antibiotics because of how dehydrated he got with the flu... =( but the x-rays turned up clear! =)

Lynn said...

I'm very happy to hear the xrays were clear. As far as the $ just let me know when it will work for you. 860-9103 I am home all the time now. Talk to you soon.