Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pacifier Why?

Today, for the first time ever...Cohen decided he wanted a pacifier. He started taking it out of Chezneys mouth and hitting her when she tried to get it back. Ironically...if I try to give him his own, he won't take it. It's like he's doing it for the sake of being mean...
When it came to bed time, though, he finally stopped crying and went to sleep once I gave him one. How weird! After 20 months he finally decides..."Hey! I like pacifiers today!"....


Teri said...

How do I follow your blog? I'm just learning this whole bloggin' thing

Story said...

Ha. Don't get me started. Far from that. He isn't ready...not sure if he will ever be. SInce he is now living in Texas (going to school through the Army) for a year...and I am in Alaska (I am not moving again if he isnt SURE about me, ya know?) Christmas will be interesting to see what transpires...he is coming to wenatchee too.