Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Lop That Didn't Know

Our Holland Lop is supposed to look like this....

but maybe someone forgot to tell her that she's a Lop...because she looks like this...

This is why Danissa is actually not participating in 4-H as we had planned...After researching Lops that don't lop...I found that our bunny is disqualified by 4-H standards. Bummer.


Bethany said...

Oh that is a bummer! He/she is still pretty cute though! :)

You got the bunny from a breeder right? I could contact the breeder and let them know. Perhaps they can get you another bunny that does have lop-ears.

Family Circus 6 said...

Yea...we could probably do that but it's danissas bunny. We still like her despite her flaw ;) She is a well mannered little thing...

Grandma Stories said...

She can still go to 4H and learn a lot- She just can't show her- ( if the intent is a great ribbon- I still think she is a blue ribbon bunny! And the grand prise for personality!