Friday, January 1, 2010

S.P.O.R.T. Gym

Over Christmas break, I have had a few days that I could devote to just being with the kids...taking pictures...playing games...hanging out. I miss that so much and it makes me remember how deeply I wish I could be an at-home-mom. It just breaks my heart.
One of the things we were able to enjoy on this break was the free-play gym time at Sport Gymnastics. The kids love it and I enjoyed having time with them to be active, have fun, and get some fun pictures (Danissa opted to have a day to hangout with grandma instead of come to the gym with us, so she is not in the pictures, however she did go with us a different day when I did not have my camera).

1 comment:

Grandma Stories said...

Joy- I love your blog and your pictures. I love feeling part of your family even when I am not aways a part of the events.... Thank you! Mom