Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I've got the Joy down in my heart!

The twins asked Jesus into their hearts tonight. Both of them have been having these discussions with me lately about Jesus being in their hearts and tonight they wanted to pray The Prayer. They were so sweet and so full of excitement talking about what Heaven will be like after the prayer was over. I just can't wait to be in heaven with my family. I pray that all four of them follow Jesus all the days of their lives. What more can a mama want for her babies?

Monday, May 30, 2011


I was building a fire for our hot dog roast when Jazmine (our dog) wouldn't leave the fire pit alone. She was burying her nose on the side of the fire pit, & then trying to climb inside it. After a minute I called Mike and told him to look at our crazy dog. He moved the block that she was most focused on and there in the crack was a scared little hunkered down mouse. After some mouse teasing fun, we put a jar in its path and caught it, and now the kids are running around the neighborhood feeding it cheese and other little bits. Just another normal day in the Farr household! Mike will be letting it go in a nearby orchard later this evening.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Chezney told me today that she will be marrying our neighbor, Ricky who is 6 years old. They will get married up on the mountain and then drive away on a green motorcycle. They will have a big round house on the mountain and we all have to go to the wedding. Then they will go away and sleep in a hotel. =) LOL

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ethans mothers day gift for me was a paper from school that he filled out about me.
Titled: Super Mom
My mother loves me best when: I snuggle with her.
My mother looks prettiest when: she gets retee (ready) for church.
I like being with my mother most when: she playing on the trampleen. (trampoline)
If I could give my mother something special just from me, it would be: making her koockys (cookies)
My favorite thing about my mother is: her making koocky doe (cookie dough)
From Ethan

Preschool Portrait '10-'11

Monday, May 23, 2011

Field Day

Every year many different elementary schools get together to do a big field day where the kids compete in different sporting events- separated by age and gender. This year, Danissa won 6th place in the 3 legged race, and Ethan won 3rd place in the long jump, 5th place in the 3 legged race, and 6th place in the shot put. Both had a great time and it's always an event that they remember and look forward to each year.
3rd grade TRA girls
Mr. Ethan ;)

Baseball Picture =)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We are now over half way done with baseball season and Ethan has really improved... the whole team has. It's so much fun to see a game actually progress the way it is meant to and to see those little wheels turning as they figure out how to make a play. Ethan got on base every time at bat tonight. He hit a double once and attempted to steal a base even though it's not yet allowed. LOL Mike calls him our little Ichiro. Tiny, mighty, and focused! =)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Apple Blossom Festivities

Apple Blossom stayed pretty mellow this year for our family... we went to the kiddy parade, the older two sang in the food court with their school, and we spent one night doing rides with the Salcido cousins courtesy of Uncle Nana providing bracelets to get on the rides. The weekend of the BIG parade, Mike and I were both busy so the kids went to the parade with Grandma B.
All a girl needs is a chair to sit on and her coffee...
On this ride (below): Danissa, Breanna, Isabella, and Chezney.
Rianne, Ethan and Cohen ended up on the next go-around.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jonathan Christian

I took pictures this evening of my new little nephew... he's adorable and he did so well!!!
Here's my favorite picture of the session...

TRA @ Apple Blossom Food Court

Danissa and Ethans school performed at the Apple Blossom Food Court this afternoon, with some sound offs and hymns. It was fun to go relax, enjoy some snacks and watch my kids perform for an audience. I love my kids so much and enjoy watching them in everything that they do!

Playing at the river...

Danissa and Ethan were performing at the Food Court today, but Cohen and Chezney and I had some time to kill waiting for them to get down there with their school. SOOO we decided to head down to the boat dock and spend some time just hanging out...
Cohen wasn't too sure about going down on the dock... so sister helped him out.
Chezney has been in a "posing for mama" mood lately... opposite of her siblings...
This is as much of a "look at mommy and smile" as I could get out of him today...

Cohen spotted a man walking this dog. His thoughts? "Mom!!! That guy caught a BEAR!" We had to walk over and visit the "bear" and found that this dog could move much faster than we had thought. He was very energetic and LOVED the twins!

I huffed, and I puffed...!

Chezney really wanted to blow the fluff off of the dandy lion but it just wouldn't "blow"...
She tried... and she tried... until finally... it blew!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The kids have been in gymnastics (all 4!) for about 4 months now. I can easily see improvement in all of them and they all seem to really enjoy it on most days. All four of them have benefited in multiple ways and I love that they can all go at the same time!
For Chezney, it's a great tool for her to develop listening skills.
It also gives her a great social outlet.
For Cohen, it develops coordination and strength and gives his joints
the much needed stretching that they need.
For Ethan, it gives him an opportunity to release his pent up energy
while building his muscles and having to listen to directions.
And for Danissa, it helps develop coordination in an other wise very tall
and lanky girl. Plus, she gets to build strength and a foundation for
other sports that she may decide she has an interest in.

Apple Blossom Art4Kids

We didn't even realize that Danissas art work from school had been submitted into the Apple Blossom Art4Kids program. We found out that her name was announced and she won 1st place in her age division of Black and White Artwork! I'll post the picture as soon as it comes home and I get to see it!

Super Kids

Jonathan Christian

Here's a video I put together for the birth of my sisters son, Jonathan Christian!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Making a Splash

Danissa was at her honorary cousin, Brookes, birthday this weekend. Apparently she sat a little too close to the edge of one of the seats and threw the balance off. The chair popped over and threw Danissa into the pool fully dressed. Now THATS a good birthday party!!!

Strange measurements...

I just did all of my measurements on the wall for my spring birthday kids. Chezney measured up only 1/2" taller than Cohen LAST YEAR at this same time. And they're twins!!! Right now, Cohen is 2 1/2" taller than Chezney, and 2 shoes sizes larger.