Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just the Beginning

I have 55 lbs of apricots ripening as I type... which explains the canning I'm doing today.
I'm excited to move on to syrup and jam, too. And CAN'T WAIT for peach season!!!


Grandma Stories said...

Very pretty! Proud of you!

Bethany said...

That's so neat! I'd love to learn to can. That's on my "to do list". haha I remember my Grandma having a whole pantry of canned fruit and vegetables. I want to do the same eventually. :) Just gotta grow the food first (or find someone with a big garden and lots of fruit trees to let me pick form!) and then learn how to can.... LOL
Maybe I'll have you show me some time!

Family Circus 6 said...

If you start saving up jars, and lids, then maybe when the peaches are ready we can do it together! Trick is to find the fruit free! I've found that when you are buying the jars, etc, it feels like you are losing money, but once you have them, it's really helpful!

Bethany said...

Usually I get church emails about people with fruit trees who need people to come pick them. I usually ignore them because I don't want to go alone, or take all the kids with But next time I hear of one, I'll let you know and we can go together. :)

Family Circus 6 said...

Taking the kids might even be fun! ;())