Thursday, September 9, 2010

Memorable Quotes from the Kids

The kids have said quite a few funny things recently, which I have neglected to blog but tried to remember...
When talking about going to the second day of preschool-
Chezney: Mommy... if I go, I'm gonna cry! (trying to talk me out of going... but she did fine and had a great time!)
In a restroom downtown-
Cohen: Why does the toilet say "ffffff"?
When Ethan threw up for the first time-
"Mom... my tongue warns me before I throw up. It goes numb. I must have the Numb-Tongue-Flu"
On the way to Walmart today-
Ethan: "Yea! I get my shoelaces today!"
Danissa: "Yea! I get my new glasses today!"
Ethan: " Glasses are boring... shoelaces are FUN!"