I woke today alone because Mike was out hiking with the boys (Shawn and Mike #2). I laid in bed enjoying the coziness and the girls came and snuggled with me. If only I had known what I know now, I would have stayed there... permanently.
As soon as we began getting dressed for church, attitudes were in full swing. Clothing changes were necessary multiple times until we finally got out the door in decent shape. Through all of the chaos of it, we still ended up walking out the door with Ethan wearing 2 mismatched socks (one was mine!), Chezney wearing the wrong color of shoes due to a sudden growth spurt, and Cohen having issues with the undershirt he was wearing managed to escape the house in only a pull-over sweater (no shirt under it).
Not so bad? Your right... it keeps going.
My mom calls to tell me she has in her possession the car that Cohen had stolen from church weeks before and she wanted to go with him to return said stolen car. Then on the way to church, I caught Danissa in a cold hard lie and she tried to play dumb to get out of it. Something she NEVER does. So, by the time I get to church, she's crying, I'm dealing with her lying, and my mom takes care of my stealing son. Danissa has lost it so she's puffy and crying, so she hangs out for a few minutes in service before being escorted to sunday school.
We leave church all in one piece. *phew*
My mom and I are on our cell phones on the way home talking about how the morning had just been so out of character. Hoping for a better afternoon.
I head to the grocery store and to cut to the chase of that part of the day, we have an uneventful shopping trip. As we leave, however, I ask my 3 younger non-dependable children to hold onto the cart as we walk through the busy parking lot. For the first time in probably 7 years, my eldest DEPENDABLE daughter decides it's a great idea to take off into the parking lot to the car. As I yell her name, she almost gets hit by a backing-out car. Now we've got some attention. Just what we need.
On the way home, I call my mom to tell her the one-more-thing-gone-wrong that we had to just laugh at because of how the day has gone. In that conversation, my mom drops her phone and it falls to pieces- yet we can still hear each other. Laughing hysterically, we get off the phone as I pull into my driveway.
5 Minutes later I'm on the phone.
"Mom... you'll never guess what happened."
"Chezney came running up from downstairs as I'm unloading the car, shouting that the mama kitten had gotten a bird and it's dead in our house."
"Oh... yuck!"
"SO... I follow Chezney downstairs and ask her to show me where it is. As we round the corner, Chezney shouts "IT'S ALIVE!" and I look up to see a bird flying around my downstairs living room. I already got it out but just had to call and tell you..."