Sunday, October 30, 2011

Giggles and Prayers

Prayers are no laughing matter... or are they?
Do you think God chuckles just a little
when He hears His little lambs pray?

The kids love to say prayers. I haven't yet taught them about praise in their prayers, as I never think of it until they have begun praying and at that moment, I don't want to correct them. Their prayers are full of requests. Mike and I can't help but laugh as the twins pray because it is always exactly the same and yet so different.
EVERY one of Chezney's prayers is "Help us to ____. Help mommy to ____. Help daddy to ___. Help the homeless guy with no arms to ____." And she does this till she has "helped" EVERYONE she can think of. SO during her prayers, Mike sticks out his fingers and silently counts how many "helps" have been uttered- as I suppress my giggles.
Then it's Cohens turn. "Dear God... thank you for ____. And thank you for ___. And thank you for ____. Thank you for _____. And thank you for ____." Until every "thank you" he can think of has come out of his tiny lips. SO during his prayers, I stick out my fingers and count the number of "thank you's" as Mike laughs.

It makes me wonder
who is the example in this house.... ;)

1 comment:

Grandma Stories said...

I sure love His precious lambs...