Friday, July 13, 2012


The cat came back... 
the very next day... 
the cat came back...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
My kitty Thomas was put out of his ancient kitty misery today.
He lived to be 15 years old... which has to be 110 in cat years.
And if you judge it by the age all my other cats lived,
it's more likely to be 527 cat years.
If I let myself- I can get emotional about a silly
cat dying that I haven't even lived with for 11 years.
BUT he was still my cat. 
He was dumb.  He drooled.
He was literally retarded.  
But he loved attention and was a
good cat- all the same... so I just
have to post a little comment and picture
to remember him by.
RIP Thomas...

1 comment:

Grandma Stories said...

The only thing "retarded" was his drooling. He was a very sweet kitty. Hated him rubbing on my legs and getting hair all over my pants when I was heading to work or church or somewhere but he really was sweet. More like a dog in the fact he really did go where ever you went, just to hang out!