Friday, April 30, 2010

Classy Chassis

We braved the wind to go to the Classy Chassis this evening. Even though I swore I wouldn't go with all that wind, the kids just really wanted to. So, not only did we go, but it seemed the great idea would be to load the twins in the wagon, and have the older two to grab scooters and just walk down together. Mike was not home from work yet, so it was just me steering my four children through Apple Blossom traffic.... Thank God we're all alive....
Mike joined us later...he actually made it just as the parade was starting...
As we sat there...I noticed Chezney lovin' on her brother. AFTER taking the picture (because you know- if you say something to a 3 year old about how cute they're being...they stop), I asked her if she loved her brother. She looks at me and says "Yeah....he's scared." =)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Knock Knock

Mike was telling the kids knock knock jokes. He told them the one that ends with "Don't cry...Ether bunny will be back next year" and the interr.."moo" interrup.."moo" interrupting cow- one. So then Cohen tries to make his own knock knock joke and says "knock, knock" "who's there?" "Don't cry...I'm just a cow!"

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mommy of 2


The kids broke out the swimsuits, yesterday, and set a sprinkler under the trampoline to jump in the spray. It felt so much like summer...I just can't wait!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Egyptian Day

The River Academy 2nd grade class spends their entire year devoted to Egyptian history. They study other subjects, as well, but as for history- it's focus is Egypt. Today was the climax of their year of study. They had their Egyptian feast and dress up day. Danissa went as Nephratiti- the most beautiful Egyptian woman (as did 3 other girls in her class *grin*)
I definitely think she played the part well....but I'm bias.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Family Roasting and Toasting

My family came over Saturday night after Ethans t-ball game to roast hotdogs and toast s'mores. We had a blast and I know my kids loved having some of their aunts, uncles, and cousins over to play with!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ethan let me know today that he is blind.
Somehow, the banana and the glasses apparently help him overcome this...

It's Still Cute... Even When You're 3....

Poor Cohen.... can't even get a minute to himself...
(sister is trying to make sure he's not poopy....)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

First Day of T-Ball

Ethan had his first t-ball game today. It was adorable. The kids had those of us in the bleachers in stitches. Ethan had typical Ethan-style melt downs toward the end of the game, but all in all, he did great! Not only that, he had the biggest cheering section! Way to go buddy!

Not pictured but in attendance: Daddy, Mommy, Grandpa Steve, and Grandma Cheryl.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday My Precious Monkeys!

A Birthday Surprise

We decided to get the twins a pool for their birthday....or at least....that's what they thought...
Danissa went surfing....

Cohen went boating....

Chezney walked the plank...

Cohen face planted into a puddle and was declared "SAFE" at home plate....

And after surfing, Danissa went for a run...

Actually....a main pipe from the canal broke and we came home today to discover a new lake in our lucky are we!?!?!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Confessions of a Two Year Old

This is what her face looked like when she told me "Mommy...I didn't even get any of my candy!"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs

Extra Thankful

The kids have been working on becoming more greatful for things in their lives, and saying so regularly. So this morning, I had to laugh when Ethan was curled up in his bathrobe, sitting on the vent, soaking up the warmth.
I didn't realize what he was doing there till he looked at me and said "This vent is really warm...thanks for buying this house, mom."

Day at the Zoo

Thursday, we packed up and headed for the zoo. A friend of ours needed us to watch his son, so we had him come along for the ride, as well. All five kids did great and we even ended up not using the stroller at all. It was so nice to let the twins out and get to see and explore without fear. They stayed close and did so well!
Chezney, I dare say, is officially potty trained, so she went in undies. Little did I know how far away restrooms are there! The poor girl begged and begged for a bathroom and finally lost it at the grizzly bear viewing area. She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't walk and wouldn't sit in the stroller and just too wet for me to carry her, so she finally rode in the stroller on her knees facing backward till we found a bathroom.

I have to admit...I'm one of those bad parents. I let my kids lean over the railing (within limits), and at one point...I let them feed a pudu- the smallest type of deer in the world. Ethan picked some grass outside of the pudu enclosure, and it came right up and was sniffing our fingers and ate the grass from his and Danissas hand...but at least it wasn't a granola bar or fruit snacks, right?

I loved watching the kids facination. Cohen was thrilled with each and every animal. His excitment never died. You could just see those wheels spinning...

Danissa was very excited about seeing the Flamingos and Ethan hasn't stopped talking about the Sloth Bear. On the way home, we played animal-veggitable-mineral (really...just animal- not the other catagories) and I swear Ethan guessed Sloth Bear every single time. Eli (our friend) kept guessing ant-eater and between the two of them, we were laughing the whole way home.