Friday, April 30, 2010

Classy Chassis

We braved the wind to go to the Classy Chassis this evening. Even though I swore I wouldn't go with all that wind, the kids just really wanted to. So, not only did we go, but it seemed the great idea would be to load the twins in the wagon, and have the older two to grab scooters and just walk down together. Mike was not home from work yet, so it was just me steering my four children through Apple Blossom traffic.... Thank God we're all alive....
Mike joined us later...he actually made it just as the parade was starting...
As we sat there...I noticed Chezney lovin' on her brother. AFTER taking the picture (because you know- if you say something to a 3 year old about how cute they're being...they stop), I asked her if she loved her brother. She looks at me and says "Yeah....he's scared." =)

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