Today for lunch, I gave the twins the option of Macaroni and Cheese or Top Roman. BUT they have to both agree on what they are having. I told them to talk it over and let me know when they agreed on what is for lunch.
Enter the twins:
Chezney: "I agree on top roman."
Cohen: "I agree on macaroni."
Mom: "This isn't how agreeing works. You both have to pick the same thing. So one of you is going to have to change your mind so that we can all have the same thing for lunch."
Chezney: "I agree on top roman."
Cohen: "I agree on macaroni."
Mom: *sigh*
In the end- Cohen conceded and we are having top roman. Chezney gave her brother a nice thank you for giving in and we'll be having macaroni tomorrow for lunch =)