Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Attention Grabber/Warning

Ethan got a "Bad Attention Grabber" at school on Monday....a first for our entire family. We didn't make TOOOO big of a deal about it since it was his first one and he didn't actually hit someone...he just had a chatty day at school.
Today (Wednesday) rolled around and once again, he got a warning (not an attention grabber)...for not listening when the teacher said to stand (he just looked at her while she repeated her direction to him). So he was separated from the group and not allowed to participate.
With two days in a row of discipline issues, I decided to take action. Although he cannot read, I made him write the sentence "I will obey right away." over and over, and made sure he knew what it was he was writing. It was pretty cute to watch.

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