Friday, March 27, 2009

Conversation at 3:00am

Mike: "Joy?"
Me: "What...?"
Mike: "Why do I have Chezney?"
Me:" have Chezney?"
Mike:"...yeah....did you bring her to me?"
Me: ""
Mike: "hmmm....well....I woke up and she's sleeping on me...."

*our new life...having toddlers without cribs*


D said...

After I get past the startled part, my heart is so full when I realize someone small and cuddley has climbed into bed with me... Makes it hard to put them back!

Bethany said...

We already have Brayden and Owen often climb into bed with us in the middle of the night...I'm not sure we could fit much more! lol
Thankfully baby Billy hasn't figured out how to climb out of his crib yet. phew
Oh the joys!