Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pony Sneezes

My home has been full of fevers, sneezes, sniffles, runny eyes, and sore muscles for over a week now. My poor family! But I have to say...there are some funny times. Cohen has a sneeze that will make you just melt. It's so cute! I wish I could just sit with a video camera waiting to capture a sneeze. He huffs and puffs and finally has this tiny sneeze followed by a VERY LONG lip vibration that sounds like a pony. I wish I could show everyone. Just wet/purse your lips...and let the air out with your lips vibrating....then picture that coming after a sneeze...and lasting about 5 seconds. LOL... it is so cute!
(now I want to know how many actually were doing this as I explained it!) =)

1 comment:

Grandma Stories said...

Probably all of us!!! :)