Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well... the kids and I are officially on our own. Mike is in Canada till Sunday night. I'm fighting with myself between spending the time deep cleaning the house or spending lots of time playing with the kids... I'm sure there is a happy medium in there somewhere.
Mike and I have never gone more than two days without talking- and on a normal day, we talk and text every 2 hours at the very least... so this will definitely be a new experience not talking to my husband for 4 days.
Well... here we go!


Krista said...

No fun. :( My husband is going to be gone all next week - 6 days - and at least I get to talk to him on the phone, but I might go crazy without an extra pair of arms to hold the boy who will not be put down!

Bethany said...

I suggest to just HAVE FUN! :)
Whenever Billy leaves, I always make it fun time for the boys. We get movies, junk food, pull out the games, and so on. :)