Friday, May 28, 2010

Sticky Fingers... I mean Paws...

When we got home from an outing, the kids went out the backdoor, on the porch, and down to play in the yard. By the time I made it into the kitchen behind them, the dog was crying like I've never heard before. I ran out there and couldn't find her... so I listened and found her behind the freezer, both front paws stuck to a sticky mouse trap.
I moved the freezer, and slowly removed her paws from the trap. Then gave her a bath (which didn't work). Chezney then told Jazmine "'s okay. I'm so proud of you."
I realize now, that the puppy must have cried herself to exhaustion while we were gone, and as the kids went out on the porch, she realized we were home and started crying again. Poor thing had been stuck there for awhile!


Bethany said...

Oh no! Poor thing!
You should look into a crate for her when you guys are gone, or for night time. A lot of people swear by crate training. It helps keep the little curious puppies out of trouble too. hehe We actually have a large kitty carrier that we used for Lady when she was a little tiny puppy. You could use it until your puppy outgrows it if you want to!

Family Circus 6 said...

I'll have to take you up on that! We had one but gave it away with our kitty in it ;) Now I regret that... LOL I'm not sure how much longer she'll fit but it will be at least till we can buy a bigger one!

Grandma Stories said...

Poor little puppy and how cute of Chez....
We have several and she won't out grow - since we used them for our dogs, but it would have room for water too while your gone for a few hours. (but not night time) :)