Tuesday, November 16, 2010

EnD over eNd

Mike and I were eating dinner, sitting down to chat for the first time in a few days, when we heard a BIG, NOISY, THUMP* THUMP* THUMP*. I figured the kids had thrown something down the stairs, and until someone was crying, I wasn't going to jump out of my skin to dive over there. Mike did. You could tell by the sound that whatever had gone down the stairs went end over end.
We found Ethan and Cohen standing at the top of the stairs, and there was a large plastic bin (without the lid) on its side at the bottom of the stairs. As we started to hear the beginnings of a good wail, we saw Chezneys hair sticking out of the opening, showing us that she had been IN the tub on the way down. Right after her head pops out, so does the cats.... still in the tight clutches of Chezneys grasp.
After the initial reaction of being upset and angry, I had a good chuckle that Chezney had taken the cat on the ride down the stairs.... end over end....

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