What was I thinking...having my sons first service he's ever really attended be a Good Friday service? I think I need parental counseling! This is a service of complete silence, little fidgeting, hardly any clearings of throats, ...and I brought my son!?
Lets start with the fact that during the reflective
thought felt prayer from Pastor Scott, my son decided it would be a great time to *literally* lift his butt cheek in the pew and fart. Mike and I both gave the kids glances and shaking our heads trying to keep them from laughing or making any comment on the subject.
THEN, Pastor John explained the unusual (for our church) communion process we would be doing, and for the children who have NOT professed faith in Christ and asked for
forgiveness, instead of partaking in communion, they can take a grape from the plate as a futuristic symbol of faith. In our pew, Ethan lets out this big huff, folds his arms, and says "I'm
allergic to grapes!" just because he wants to take communion....and off to the nursery we went.
What was I thinking....? I think we started out with the thought of a learning experience for the kids and ended with a learning experience for the parents.