Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shun Shines and Twinkles

The twins have gotten into the habit of being rocked and sung to at night before bed. Only...they haven't been wanting to take turns so now all three of us squeeze into the rocking chair every night. It reminds me of when they were newborns. So sweet...but I miss the way we used to all...fit.
And by the way, the two songs that we sing are "You Are My Sunshine", requested by Cohen, and "Twinkle, Twinkle", requested by Chezney. Cohen is my backup singer during "You Are My Sunshine".
It goes something like this:
Me: "You are my sunshine..."
Cohen: "Shun shine"
Me:"my only sunshine."
Cohen: "Shun shine"
Me:"You make me happy..."
Cohen: "Appy"
Me: "when skies are gray."
Cohen: "Kies"
Me: "You'll never know, dear,"
Cohen: "Ear"
Me: "how much I love you."
Cohen: "Of you"
Me: "Please don't take...my sunshine...away."
Cohen: "Ray"
(almost EXACTLY two years later...)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

That's too cute :)
Its funny- Gabriel HAS to be sung to every time to calm him down, and the only song that seems to work is "You Are My Sunshine". Just ask Billy, we sing it literally a hundred times a day lol