Sunday, September 27, 2009


My son. When did he get so big? I look at him sleeping...he falls asleep so easy...almost anywhere (like tonight...on a floor cushion). So I sat and just looked at him. So peaceful. And he's staying in once place! His hands are rough and calloused...probably from his new found conquering of the monkey bars. They are over a puppy with big paws that he'll eventually grow into. I feel like I have missed the last two years of his one extent or another. When did he turn 5?!...and I can't believe that in just a few months he'll be 6!
He amazes me everyday with some new way he's found to manipulate an object to do something I didn't even know it could do. He's so an unharnessed type of way. Like today...did you know that if you turn a round magnet on it's side, it will roll (not drop) all the way across, down,(or any which-way) across a refrigerator? And he went around finding places that it would stick to the essence...he was finding the studs in our house. He breaks things just to find out what's inside...a seashell only lasts minutes in this house...
An ingenious...growing child...

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