Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Morning- Our House

Here's a few pictures of Christmas Morning in our home, aside from opening the mystery gifts- which I already blogged pictures of a couple of.
Ethan with a dress up camo outfit, snowboarding goggles, snowbording pants, and a nerf gun all put into one outfit...

Danissa getting a much needed pair of tennis shoes.
Cohen trying to ride Spidermans ATV.
Trying out the snowboards that Santa brought. Santa couldn't find a girl snowboard so {s}he had to paint it and decorate it his{er} self so Danissa could have one that matched her coat.
Ethan with just one of the many different types of guns he got for Christmas. This is a marshmellow gun =) Chezney with her twin babies...Meow and Button.

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