Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Little Sentiment

I don't know....this is a little sentimental, but my my kids have spent the last two evenings with my mom, once for just a short visit, and once to be watched for a couple of hours. Both nights, I have brought them home and tucked them into bed and noticed that they smell like my moms perfume. Holding Chezney or Cohen and tucking them in smelling like my moms perfume makes me think...this was me...small and smelling like my moms perfume years ago. I don't know....totally sentimental but I know my parents would appreciate the moment ;)


Grandma Stories said...

Love you Joy!
Goodnight, Sleep Tight, God Bless you, I Love you, Sweet dreams and don't let the bedbugs bite. Love you sweetie. Night,night. XOXOXOXOXO Mommy! :)

Rachel said...

Aggg...I just checked your blog and see that we have the same new background...I off to find andother one...sorry!

Family Circus 6 said...

That's so funny!!! You don't have to change yours! We can have the same one!!! =)

Bethany said...

It's fun reading all these updates and little thoughts.
Keep 'em coming! :)

P.s. I am so jealous that you have somewhere you can send your kids to for a couple hours here and there in the evenings, guilt free. I wish my mom lived nearby! :)
