Friday, October 3, 2008

Sleepless Nights

Ethan has gotten into our bed every night for as far back as I can remember. Recently we've been telling him that he's a big boy now and his visits to our bed are going to become less frequent. Last night, I finally put my foot down and told him that I've had enough and it's time to get back in his bed. Needless to say...this didn't go over very well. After about 45 minutes of pure terrified screaming from his room, and three trips to put other kids back to sleep, Danissa and Chezney ended up in our bed. This obviously was defeating the purpose. Now we have four people in our bed and 5 people in the family awake (Cohen slept through the entire episode). Two hours later, after long talks and moving things in the room to prove they are shadows, we gave in and made a bed on the floor of our room....which lasted about 15 minutes before Ethan was back in our bed.....Maybe we'll just let him outgrow it. Last night definitely didn't get anything accomplished and it just made 5 very cranky and tired family members.


Anonymous said...

Think of it as teaching your child to go to sleep on their own. The first night is always the worst. But every night after that gets better. Dont give up. He will learn and he will get it. Dont give up becuase the first try didnt work. He has to get used to the idea too.

Grandma Stories said...

Joy, I love reading these. Your Grandma's do too. Love you, Mom

Karalee said...

I finally had a chance to sit down and read your blog! So cute. I love the pictures of the kids. They are so darn cute!! :)

Story said...

Ok so I am sure someone has said this to you...but just in super nanny. Every episode it seems, she deals with children not wanting to go to bed or crawling into parents bed. You do just what you had done..put him back in his room...the first time you do that and say to them, its bed time now in your own bed. The second time and every other time for then on out, you pick them up (or walk thme back to bed if they arent throwing too big of a fit) put them in theri bed, saying nothing, and walk out the door, lights off. you keep doing that ...saying nothing while putting them into their beds...until they stop getting out. Usually the first couple times they end up passing out (not giving up)...but eventually they get it and dont get out of bed. Good luck!

Family Circus 6 said...

It's so exausting and he takes it so personally but we've been working on it ;)

Bethany said...

Oh I totally know what you mean! Owen and Brayden are the ones in our family that love to come get into bed with us. Alex used to be that way but he eventually grew out of it. Baby Billy thankfully HATES sleeping with us and LOVES his crib. Yay!
Most nights we have two little people in bed with us. lol Billy says he doesn't mind because they are only little once and too soon will they not want to snuggle at all anymore. *sniff*
